Every student of serious quest has a story. A tale of how personally one came to discover a Path of exploration. The writing of William Quan Judge is a part of my story. Before the Internet became an obvious and sometimes useful tool for search, those of us in quest sought out book stores and libraries in real time. Bookshops were sometimes stashed in glamorous malls, but quite often the quest led to side street shops tucked in here and there, urban and rural. In those days you could find everything one needed to cast an astrological chart by hand in most any local metaphysical book shop; hard tools to find today offline. Times are indeed changed.
I remember reading somewhere that the Emperor Julian, centuries ago sought out scroll and book booths in Greece - previous to the printing press. Books printed on good paper will last many generations.
My theosophical quest started as a teenager even as I do have a strange but strong memory from circa 6th grade discussing "The Amazing Kreskin and The Master M who writes in red ink" with some kid in a Chicago suburb area park. As a youth I read books in public libraries, bought books in drug stores and train stations and even the occasional book store when I could get to one. I had a weekend and summer night job in the railroad yards of North Jersey and I can tell you that fiction and philosophy, existentialism and poetry took the edge off of many of us engaged in railroad and trucking in the 1960's. Of course some of the fellows did indeed prefer adult magazines. No cell phones or other gadgets to stare at in those days.
Conversations at work, in late night restaurants and in basement gathering places often concerned spiritual and occult topics alongside other issues - protest marches, poetry, the hip scene or social engagements. I took to the road hitchhiking across our wide country more than once. In those days you could hitchhike and expect to get rides, some of the rides were quite noteworthy. Somewhere along the line in my travels I read a book by William Quan Judge. Probably the book was OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY, but I am not certain of the title. I met many Americans, young and old, and I noticed Judge on bookshelves several times alongside Blavatsky in various store stock and also in homes or in metaphysical church libraries. I kept moving. I kept reading.
A recent posting online concerning Judge quickly states that even as he may be considered theosophically “mainstream”, he did not make “a mark on the world”. I beg to differ with any brothers who may feel that way. As I see it, Judge left his stamp across spiritual circles worldwide; and in the USA and other parts of America, his work - that embraced Blavatsky - is a firm foundation on which a great deal of modern 21st century theosophy now stands. Openhanded work for theosophy is often done behind the scenes, underground, sometimes unnoticed by those who are looking. “To be as nothing in the eyes of the world”.
I learned early on from WQJ certain truths we all know in our hearts. Selflessness is key. No expectations is the trial. Brotherhood is universal, sexless and all inclusive. I have also learned that promulgation of key elements of truth needs to continue as we follow in his footsteps to impact the buddhi and manas of future humanity - the Spiritual and Mental natures. We are seed planters. Books are seeds.
Some years ago, a set of books compiled by Dara Eklund was published by Point Loma Publications; – ECHOES OF the ORIENT: The Writings of William Quan Judge. That set is now out of print. I devoured those editions. I still refer to them with pleasure. If I ever go back to living with a box or two of books in my car trunk as my library, almost certainly this 3 volume set will be there. Once again, delivered to students now, and also to students in the future, these valuable books are again available - in 2nd and revised editions.
From the publisher we read that
Volume I comprises about 170 articles from The Path magazine, founded and edited by Judge. These are chronologically arranged and supplemented by his popular “Occult Tales.” Also included are a well-documented 50-page biography, numerous illustrations, photographs, and facsimiles.
Volume II comprises Judge’s “Hidden Hints in The Secret Doctrine,” his lectures at the World’s Parliament of Religions, articles and replies to questions in other magazines, and “Faces of Friends” who were actively helping the Theosophical Society in Judge’s time.
Volume III contains tracts and pamphlets, newspaper and journal articles, miscellaneous articles and extracts, and “Suggestions and Aids” to fellow travelers on the Path. Second and Revised Edition 6 x 9, each volume includes a bibliography and index.
These books are available from Theosophical University Press. Information at